
Cortney has taught at some of the world’s leading educational institutions and digital platforms. 


Fast Future Executive

Spring 2023-Present: Designing VR/AR Experiences 

Barnard College

Winter 2023: Building a Diverse and Inclusive Metaverse


Fall 2022: What is the Metaverse?

California Institute of Technology

Spring 2022: Future Skills: Virtual and Augmented Reality

North Carolina State University

Winter 2022: Seminar: Building Virtual Reality for Social Impact

New Mexico State University

Fall 2023-Present: Spatial Computing and AI Masterclass

New York University

Fall 2016-Fall 2018, Course: Writing About Popular Music

Guest Lectures

Yale University

Spring 2023, Topic: Responsibility in the Metaverse

Columbia University

Winter 2023, Topic: Storytelling in the Metaverse

Chapman University

Fall 2021, Topic: Writing for Evolving Platforms

Johns Hopkins University

Spring 2019, Topic: Storytelling for Social Impact

Harvard Business School

Spring 2017, Topic: What Brands Need to Know About Virtual Reality

Commencement Address

Centro de Diseño y Comunicación

Summer 2022, Topic: Building a Creative Practice

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